Oofoundation has put in place a centre, or described more appropriate It a home from where all its activities can be domiciled. The home is located in the serene suburban town of ljebu Imusin and for a start, our activities will cover the immediate localities of Ijebu East, ljebu North, Ijebu Ode and Water-side local government areas.
In RHYTHM our focus is on children between the ages of six and sixteen and any or all of our programmes designed for them will aim at bringing out the ideal child in each and identifying hidden talents that would prepare the children in helping mankind and in facing the unpredictable world in which we all live in the present generation.
SCOPE is Senior citizens Opportunities Emporium. In SCOPE our focus is on persons sixty fie years old and above. In our communities particularly in the suburban and rural areas. It is erroneous to assume that because of our culture, persons in this age range are not lonely, or that they find within easy reach supporting institutions that facilitate graceful again with all it connotes. Here too, any or all of our programmes designed for these persons will aim at creating an interactive environment that would facilitate a new lease of life for the senior citizens.
Dear members, We are thrilled to welcome you to the Olawale Oshun Foundation.
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